
How to use?

1. Get your own project id

Log in and create your own project, and you can find your project id in your project list.

2. Integrate into your website

In the simplest case, only one line of code is necessary.

<script crossorigin="anonymous" data-project-id="<your-project-id>" src=""></script>

That's all.

More apis

1. window.BetterMonitor.addBug

interface IParamsAddBug {
    pageUrl: string
    message: string
    stack: string
    source: string
    type: string

function addBug (params: IParamsAddBug): void

2. window.BetterMonitor.printLog, window.BetterMonitor.printWarn, window.BetterMonitor.printError

Same as console.log, console.warn, and console.error. Logs will not be reported immediately.

If you want report logs immediately, you can use window.BetterMonitor.printLogDirectly, window.BetterMonitor.printWarnDirectly, window.BetterMonitor.printErrorDirectly.

function printLog(...args: any[]): void
function printLogDirectly(...args: any[]): void
function printWarn (...args: any[]): void
function printWarnDirectly (...args: any[]): void
function printError(...args: any[]): void
function printErrorDirectly(...args: any[]): void

3. window.BetterMonitor.logTime, window.BetterMonitor.logTimeEnd.

Same as console.time, and console.timeEnd.

window.BetterMonitor.logTimeEnd will not trigger reporting immediately, whereas window.BetterMonitor.logTimeEndDirectly will trigger reporting immediately.

function logTime(label: string): void
function logTimeEnd(label: string): void
function logTimeEndDirectly(label: string): void

4. window.BetterMonitor.init

interface IStore {
    projectId: string
    // whether report api log
    log: boolean
    // whether report view log, e.g. UV, PV
    view: boolean
    // whether report js runtime error
    error: boolean
    // whether report action log
    action: boolean
    // black list, in which matching log will not be reported
    blackList: Array<string | RegExp>
    userId: undefined | string | number
    getUserId: undefined | (() => string | number) | (() => Promise<string | number>)
function init (settings: Partial<IStore>): void

5. window.BetterMonitor.addView

interface IParamsAddView {
    pageUrl: string
    userId: string | number
function addView (params: IParamsAddView): void

Support for Vue2/Vue3

If you use Vue, you need to add some more code in order to catch errors. Because Vue will catch them and print them by console.error without throw them out by default.

For Vue3, you need to add code like below:

import { createApp } from 'vue'

import App from './App.vue'

const app = createApp(App)

app.config.errorHandler = function (err, vm, info) { 
  // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
  console.error('errorHandler', err, vm, info)
    pageUrl: location.href,
    message: err?.message || 'unknown bug',
    stack: err?.stack || '',
    source: [`name=${vm?._?.type?.__name}`, `scopeId=${vm?._?.type?.__scopeId}`].join('&'),
    type: info

// other code...

And for Vue2, you need to add some code like below:

import Vue from 'vue'
// other code...

Vue.config.errorHandler = function(err, vm, info) { 
  // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
  console.error('errorHandler', err, vm, info)
  if (window.BetterMonitor && window.BetterMonitor.addBug && typeof window.BetterMonitor.addBug === 'function') {
    try {
        pageUrl: location.href,
        message: (err && err.message) || 'unknown bug',
        stack: (err && err.stack) || '',
        source: [
            `name=${(vm && vm.$vnode && vm.$vnode.tag) || ''}`,
            `data=${(vm && vm._data) ? JSON.stringify(vm._data) : ''}`
        type: info
    } catch (err) {
      // eslint-disable-next-line no-console

// other code...